The chapter is currently trying out Discord as a quicker means to communicate with all members. Using Discord, you as a member can control what and who you wish to engage with in the chapter.
Getting Started with Discord:
Creating an Account
1. If you’d like to create a Discord account and start using the app, you can download Discord via your mobile device:
• For Android devices, head into the Play Store
• For iOS, head into the App Store
2. Once the app is fully installed, tap on the app icon to launch the app.
3. If this is your first time using Discord, press Register to create your account. You’ll need to enter:
• a display name – First name + Last Initial (Road Name or Officer Role)
• a username of your choice
• your email address
• a password
4. Once you’ve finished entering this account information, you can then select Next to start using Discord.
Before moving on, remember to head into your email to verify your email address. By verifying your email address, you’ll be able to recover your account if you ever forget your password.
Add H.O.G. ID:
To make it easy for us to verify you are a chapter member and gain access to the chapter chat room(s).
1. Tap on your profile icon in the bottom right-hand corner.
2. Click the Edit Profile button
3. In the “About Me” box put your H.O.G. ID. (USXXXXXXX)
Join the QCHD Chapter Server:
The following URL will allow you to join our Discord server:
Once you have joined the server you will be put into the General chat room by default. An officer will verify your H.O.G. ID and grant you access to additional chapter chat rooms.
IMPORTANT: If you wish to receive notifications through Discord do NOT log out, closing the application will not affect notifications. Logging out will drop you from the server and not allow you to recieve any communication. Instead use the mute function.
Mute a chat:
1. Enter the chatroom you wish to stop recieving notification.
2. On the top left, click on the chat room name.
3. At the top, click on the circle with a bell in it that says mute.
4. Select one of the presented options.
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